Такси 217 Онлайн

by LigaTaxi Client

Auto & Vehicles


217 Taxi line - the best app to order a taxi in Gorishnii smoothly through your smartphone.Now, to book a taxi in Gorishnii smoothly - You do not need to call the operator - just download the app taxi 217 online, fill out the route, "How" and "Where" you go and click the "Order", our application will order a taxi for you.Good app!GOOD TAXI!Key features:- the application will automatically detect your location;- your order instantly see all available drivers who are close. Time of the machine will be minimal;- access to the full information about the car, scheduled for pre-order and the cost of taxi;- audible signal informs you of the arrival of the vehicle cab;- route of the taxis is displayed on the map;- at the end of the trip will offer the application to evaluate the quality of service;Download our app to order a taxi online at Gorishnii smoothly - and it will become your favorite app!